The ability to comprehend is probably one of the most important abilities of people. Comprehension can be worked on, developed, improved as any other ability we have. It is not only important but crucial for the education process, since it is responsible for the most difficult task - to pass on particular agreements, different notions, processes and concepts not as a formal text, but in a manner that these notions and concepts find their place among other concepts already existing in the students’ knowledge database, relate to them and most of all be understood in a way, which will allow them to be further applied in everyday life.
The training organized under the GoScience project will focus on giving the science teachers knowledge and skills to use and implement in their practice an innovative methodology for enhancing comprehension in science education in high schools.
How to teach science differently in high school
The approach developed in the materials corresponds to the changes in the natural sciences and mathematics that take place around the world. Their goal is to make each pupil aware of the processes, regularities, phenomena in nature, and mathematical models, so that students understand how a scientist and a researcher work and why each of us and society in general needs basic knowledge of nature, science and technology.
The site focuses on Earth Science-related topics; it is full of great and easy-to-understand graphics and other interactive content. It has a good collection of interactive lessons cover the big things like the Earth's structure to plate tectonics. The site also covers many other subjects with Earth Sciences from the Rock Cycle and Volcanoes that really makes this subject come alive to any young student. It also has other resources for other scientific subjects with interactive games and other lessons.
Anatomy 4D is a free app that uses augmented reality to let students interact with the human body. Kids must first print out a 4D-enabled image of the human body or heart from the app's Target Library. Then the app uses the camera on the device to bring to life a three-dimensional pulsing image.
Star Chart provides a magical star gazing experience like no other. You can now have a virtual planetarium in your pocket! Look through the eyes of your Android device to see a virtual window into the whole visible universe.
This simple and straightforward webpage is perfect for teachers that want a diverse list of science classroom resources. There is a long list of activities and worksheets to enhance science lessons.
This blog offers an example of how gamification can be applied in maths lessons. Next year, it’ll be updated with a new gamification project called Mathland.It leads in more motivation to our students.
It is a great site for interactive science learning. It is a very active site for young students with a myriad of animations, movies, and short interactive quizzes. It covers topics like cellular life and genetics, ecology and behavior, forces of nature, our fragile environment, scientific inquiry, and paleontology and anthropology.
Breakout EDU creates ultra-engaging learning games for people of all ages. Games (Breakouts) teach teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting by presenting participants with challenges that ignite their natural drive to problem-solve.
The ChemCollective, a project that is funded by the National Science Foundation, allows students to design and carry out their own experiments in a virtual laboratory and provides virtual lab problems, real-world scenarios, concept tests, simulations, tutorials and course modules for learning basic chemistry.
It is a visual and interactive website showcasing the beautiful world of chemistry
Use Classcraft to motivate your students and to build collaboration and teamwork skills. Award points for encouraging classmates, completing assignments on time, respecting noise levels, and more. provides the leading curriculum for K-12 computer science in the largest school districts in the United States and also organizes the annual Hour of Code campaign which has engaged 15% of all students in the world.
Edheads is an online educational resource that provides science and math games and activities that promote critical thinking. Activities include things like creating a line of stem cells, designing a cell phone, investigating a crash site and even performing brain surgery.
Make any video your lesson. Choose a video, give it your magic touch and track your students' comprehension.
Examples of scapes rooms. Some of theme are free, with this password: showyourwork Drive with some complete scapes rooms
In this site we can find games to practise different maths concepts as well as an interesting use of comics to learn maths.
Millions of people around the world use GeoGebra to learn mathematics and science. It is easy to use and can be downloaded and used for studying and applying the gained knowledge in practice.
A visual way to work with algebra (monomials, equations, systems of equations, etc.)
Investigate the world of atoms and molecules through hands-on inquiry-based activities and molecular model animations.
It is a website full of great 3-D interactive, virtual labs, and printable activities for you to use. Its material is both engaging and interesting for science-buffs of all ages.
A big number of tests created by teachers from all around the world can be found. Student answers in their own computer
Interesting tasks and excercises for learning the basics of science
These resources for learning about genetics by the University of Utah's Genetic Science Learning Center include interactive visualizations, 3D animations and activities. Student activities include taking a tour of DNA, a chromosome or a protein, buiding a DNA molecule.
This web page provides the opportunity to study and do exercises in the field of mathematics and physics. Each exercise has not only answers but also provided examples of the particular rule. It also offers video explanations for a vast variety of topics and definitions.
A lot of free nature science objects, demonstrations, virtual experiments
The site offers teacher a wide range of videos about the chemical elements and other chemistry topics
It is a real gem of an interactive and fun science-related website, with a vast collection of simulators covering most topics with physics from circuits to waves to quantum mechanics.
A funny way to do tests where students manage cards with codes to answer the questions. Students don’t need to have a computer.
In the physics teaching process, with the acquisition of subject-specific knowledge and the development of value orientation, the pupil needs to acquire a variety of skills - the ability to learn, think and act. Research methods are most effective in achieving these goals.
Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals. Scientix reached out to national teacher communities, and contributed to the development of national strategies for wider uptake of inquiry-based and other innovative approaches to science and maths education.
Teach the Earth supports teaching and learning about the Earth by providing online resources for educators in the geosciences and related fields. Resources include classroom activities, course descriptions and syllabi, information about pedagogical strategies, topical collections, and more.
Teachers TryScience is a web site for teachers. This site provides free and engaging lessons, along with teaching strategies and resources, which are designed to spark students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). What’s more, the site features collaboration tools to enable teachers to discuss and share effective instructional practices.
The website created in 2007 is an information exchange site for teachers from around the world, with a variety of lectures in video, audio,and image form. Teachers also have the opportunity to share their experiences with each other and to leave their assessment of the material they put in, and to draw new ideas for organising learning hours.
This article has proposed a framework – the pedagogical technological integrated medium (PTIM) – to facilitate the practical fusion of the affective domain into technology integration within a learner-centered perspective. The novelty of this framework is that it places learning at the intersection of content/contextual knowledge, pedagogy and technology, without downplaying the importance of technological pedagogical content knowledge.
It covers subjects from many disciplines of science from biology and earth science to astronomy. The site also has a parent and teacher section that will provide free resources to help you plan and incorporate its interactive material to boost your child's learning.
An alternative option for foreign resources is the platform,created in Latvia. Users can deal with different tasks on the portal, whileteachers can design testing and homework by offering students acompletely different and modern approach to the learning process.
A lot of free different lessions and games about environmental, galaxy, human body and different processes
This chapter is filled with topics on chemistry for elementary and middle school students. It includes colorful video lessons, various definitions and chemistry facts. Use the short, multiple-choice quizzes to gauge their comprehension.
Interesting visual objects, experiments, tasks
A lot of interesting tasks, experimens, illustratios
A lot of free chemistry learning objects, tests, lesson’s plans
It is an online tool and teaching assistant if it is necessary to acquiregeneral or indepth knowledge of a subject. This, unlike traditional searchers, offers already processed information that does not need to be searched for in individual resources. On the home page, you cansolve the tasks of math, chemistry or physics, learn about historical sitesand events, and find useful information in other subjects. The use of the home page requires knowledge of the English language.